Community Relations
Sweeper Machines: Chekka and Bichmizzine
As part of our on-going efforts to preserve the environment and empower our community, Cimenterie Nationale offered the Municipality of Chekka a sweeper machine imported from Germany. The amount for this contribution was around 100,000$. An expert from the German Hako Group came to Lebanon and conducted a 3-day training to the operators selected by the Municipality. In 2018, Cimenterie Nationale also contributed to the acquisition of another sweeper machine in Bichmizzine.
Community Generators
Cimenterie Nationale contributed to the installation of electric generators providing electricity to more than 400 households in Chekka, which has been suffering from daily power cuts for years. Existing private generators were unable to compensate for these shortages, thereby leaving many households and businesses in the area without power. Responding to this urgent need, Cimenterie Nationale participated in the installation of the electrical network. The initiative gave us the opportunity to improve the standard of living for the people and reaffirm our commitment to work with them in the spirit of partnership.Barghoun and Badebhoun Infrastructure
As part of its continuous support to the surrounding villages, Cimenterie Nationale has significantly contributed to the improvement of Barghoun and Badebhoun’s infrastructure. Road asphalting, bridge enlargement, back up wall installment and other required civil works helped enhance the status of the main roads reducing by that the high risks of accidents and improving safety conditions.
Rifaq EL Darb
Since 2010, Cimenterie Nationale has been supporting Rifaq El Darb Association and participating through its volunteers in the Christmas lunch that the Association organizes every year for over 1000 elderly individuals in need, in the hope of lifting their spirits and enlivening their festive season. Guests from across Lebanon gathered to join the festivities that included singing, dancing and distributing gifts. The participation of CN’s volunteers has grown over the years revealing their humanitarian and sympathetic spirits.
Cimenterie Nationale Open – Door
Employees’ Event
CN has organized in 2017 a full day-out with its team members and their families to enjoy the weather and activities at CN’s premises in Chekka. The aim was to open doors for families to meet and exchange great times, and to connect and strengthen the bond between team members. During the event, families were introduced to the cement production process, to the health and safety procedures that are followed, as well as to a typical day of a team member at the company.

EL Aleb 'A Shmel Campaign
As part of our continual commitment with the CN-CSR strategy, CN launched القلب عالشمال campaign in conjunction with the current health and economic circumstances to support the surrounding communities in order to minimize as much as possible the negative impact resulted from the COVID-19 and the socio-economic situation going through and affecting everyone.This 360 degree campaign supported 2 parts that are mostly needed during these circumstances:
A – The economic situation
The Food Voucher “FV” project is envisioned to contribute in minimizing the increase cost of the food affecting the families’ basic nutrition requirements.
The project pumped fresh money in Koura through purchasing of all the food goods from the community’s local supermarkets, in addition the project was executed in coordination with Koura Municipalities.
The project was executed with Koura Municipalities where around 1350 Food Vouchers "FV" attached with a letter from CN dedicated to each family (for the amount of 100,000 L.L. each) were distributed to 25 villages by CN Communication Committee members. Each Municipality dispatched the FV to families mostly in need taking into consideration the criteria communicated by CN (i.e: handicaps, limited income, no income, etc...).
The necessary precaution measures of COVID-19 were implemented.
Along with the FV initiative, another project dedicated for Chekka and Kfarhazir villages, CN has covered the generators expenses to all housing units in both villages for the month of April and May in Chekka and for the month of May in Kfarhazir.
B- The Health situation
During the Covid-19 pendamic situation, CN supported the Red Cross in Koura for the logistics services provided during this situation.
In addition, CN has supported Koura Residence for its logistics and operations, a hotel in Koura dedicated to host individuals for quarantine purposes.
And finally, safety uniforms were provided by CN to NGOs to be used during their missions while supporting families in need with food in Tripoli.

Our work with local and international organizations has created sustainable projects that reinforce the vision we have for preserving the environment. Reforestation, environmental clean-up, promoting biodiversity preservation and raising awareness are just some of the ways we contribute in this vital area.
- Chekka Municipal Garden & Christmas Decoration named number 1 in Lebanon
In 2013, the year Cimenterie Nationale celebrated its 60th anniversary, Chekka’s Municipality launched a series of major and important projects essential for the development and improvement of the village. Cimenterie Nationale promised Chekka’s Municipality Head and Council to take part in these projects and support them. The first initiative included sponsoring a full zone in Chekka’s Municipal Garden. The total area of the garden is 14,000 sqm, and CN’s dedicated zone consisted of 4,000 sqm. The Christmas Decoration, which was also supported by Cimenterie Nationale, was executed in this garden, and it ranked first in Lebanon in 2017.

- Chekka and Enfeh Fishermen Association
We take great pride in supporting the regional culture and traditions of Lebanon and have gladly taken on the sponsorship of the Fishermen Cooperative Association in Chekka and Enfeh. Cimenterie Nationale has offered ongoing financial support to both organizations, with funds used to purchase new equipment and sailing permits, ensuring that no one carries out abusive fishing methods that destroy fisheries and the marine environment and maintaining the economic viability of this seafaring community. By improving the conditions of the fishermen, we are ensuring that the people of Chekka and Enfeh are not forced to abandon their land and homes to seek a livelihood elsewhere. We are also safeguarding a tradition that has long been part of Chekka and Enfeh’s historic heritage, ensuring that the region’s maritime past continues from generation to generation.

- Fruitful Gift
In an effort to provide a gift that keeps on giving, Cimenterie Nationale launched the ‘Fruitful Gift’ initiative, which entailed offering 9,000 different fruit trees to the inhabitants of Chekka, Enfeh, and Koura. The trees were offered door-to-door to each house by our dedicated representatives so that they could be immediately planted. Many community members became motivated by the initiative and followed our lead by planting trees on their own.

- Turtle Monitoring Project
In a bid to further boost its environmental efforts, Cimenterie Nationale took on the protection of the nesting habitat of giant marine turtles at Zeereh beach in Chekka by sponsoring and funding a cleaning operation in the area. Operating in coordination with the Palm Island Nature Reserve and the Turtle Monitoring Project, the operation succeeded in ridding the beach of garbage and solid waste that previously prevented these giant amphibians from laying their eggs in a secure environment. The mission of the initiative is expansive, whereby it also involves assisting the hatchlings to safely reach the water for their survival, and tracking the turtles for further environmental studies in the future. Not only did this event significantly benefit Lebanon’s wildlife by protecting the offspring of these turtles, but it also raised awareness among the public and provided essential environmental benefits by ridding our shores of refuse harmful to both people and marine
- The Zakroun Initiative
To further cement its role in protecting the environment and serving the community, CN launched in 2011 the Zakroun Development Project in cooperation with a special committee from Zakroun citizens organized especially for this project, which saw 500,000 m2 of forested land owned by Cimenterie Nationale placed at the disposal of the area’s residents. As such, locals were able to benefit from its wood resources under the supervision of the Committee. The area was maintained, with the trees pruning, facilitating the renewal of indigenous flora and preventing the spread of fires. The project received the necessary licenses from the Ministry of Agriculture and the pruning process was supervised by agricultural experts commissioned for that purpose. The proceeds helped implement several development projects and initiatives in the area, including the construction of the Saints Sarkis and Bakhos church hall.
- Bsous Silk Museum
CN aims to safeguard Lebanon’s cultural wealth through its CSR initiatives, which is why the company supports the Association for Memory and Development (AMED), an organization that seeks to preserve the country’s natural heritage. AMED’s primary project is the Bsous Silk Museum that educates visitors about silk production. Silk-making was once the most important resource for Lebanon, and the Museum keeps this tradition alive.

- Sidon Archeological Dig
In addition to our community service, we are also dedicated to CSR projects on a national level. The ongoing British Museum / Department of Antiquities of Lebanon Excavation in Sidon has been in operation since 1998. The city’s stratigraphical sequence proves the continuity of occupation from the end of the 4th Millennium B.C. to the medieval period which is exceptional. This will undoubtedly lay the archeological foundations for a chronological dating sequence for Lebanon as a whole that has not yet been established.
- Al Natour Monastery
Celebrating its 60 year anniversary, CN was honored to participate in the renovation of Al Natour, the iconic Enfeh monastery that was built by the Crusaders on Byzantine ruins over 900 years ago. Our Lady of the Guard “Saydet AL Natour” has been a part of the religious history of the northern coastal village of Enfeh. Members of Lebanon’s Orthodox clergy rededicated Our Lady of the Guard after years of restoration to revive the interior paintings. For decades, Sister Catherine Al Jamal, has managed the monastery and led a number of fundraising and restoration projects. In 1999, she supervised restorations of the site’s frescoes with the help of Father Amberoise. In 2013, with the support of Cimenterie Nationale and the cooperation of several architects, the whole monastery underwent a comprehensive restoration process whereby the waterfront and the reception room were fully refurbished with the addition of a new hall that was built to reflect the original architectural style. The monastery and other prominent sacred sites in Enfeh have attracted many tourists coming from Europe and the region.
- Summer Festivals: Enfeh, Kousba, Batroun, Tannourine, Kelhat, Kfaraa’ka
Cimenterie Nationale, under its CSR program, has been supporting for years the summer festivals held in the region; going from Tannourine to the coastal side in Batroun, Enfeh in addition to Kousba, Kelhat and Kfaraa’ka. These festivals host every year leading local and international artists, in addition to a painting symposium, sports activities and other social and cultural activities that spread vibrant and entertaining summer vibes in the villages. Thousands of citizens from the region and beyond as well as CN’s employees and their families attend these festivals.

- Scout du Liban
Thanks to Scout du Liban – St Maroun Chekka, more than 3,000 people from Chekka, Enfeh and the surrounding areas gather every summer for a 3 days outdoor festival organized in the souk of Chekka offering daily entertaining programs including singers, magicians, parades, comedians, etc. Every year, Cimenterie Nationale supports and participates with great enthusiasm in this outstanding festival.

As part of its involvement and commitment to education, and with the aim of encouraging and orienting the future generations towards a better environment, Cimenterie Nationale created, 8 years ago, The Green Project Award in partnership with the Northern Order of Engineers and Architects, where freshly graduated engineering students from the Lebanese University, Balamand, NDU, Manar and Beirut Arab University are encouraged to work and present projects related to the environment.
CN initiated this project in parallel to the Northern Engineers and Architects’ yearly exhibition, in order to raise awareness and encourage upcoming generations to carry out green and environment friendly projects. The top two green projects are awarded 5,000,000 LBP and 2,000,000 LBP by Cimenterie Nationale during the annual exhibition of the graduation projects held at the Northern Order of Engineers and Architects.

- Local Educational Contributions
As education is key to the advancement of future generations, Cimenterie Nationale is heavily involved in promoting the culture of learning in the area by supporting schools in Chekka and Enfeh, and students from the region to pursue their education in Lebanon and abroad, as well as by opening a computer center in Chekka that is considered to be the most reliable computer center in public schools in the North.
As part of its involvement and commitment towards empowering the education of the new youth generation, and through its collaboration with schools and universities, CN hosts on a yearly basis university students for internships.
For the past 5 years, more than 280 university students from different specializations and Universities (USJ, Balamand, LU, NDU, USEK, AUB, BAU,etc…) conducted their internship at CN premises, providing them the opportunity to enrich and enhance from a technical and practical perspective the theoretical information they acquire at the university.
In addition, CN open its doors throughout the year for different educational institutions to visit the plant and learn about CN’s cement production and its environmental and safety performance.
By investing in the youth of today, we know that we are laying the groundwork for the success of the adults of tomorrow.
What greater way to enhance a strong mind than with a strong body? Sports activities allow both kids and adults to learn to respect their bodies, boost their self-confidence and maintain their overall well-being. CN develops and sponsors sports programs that provide a healthy environment for children and a competitive space for adults. CN plays a significant role in most of the region’s sports clubs’ journeys such as Speed Ball, Chekka Sports Club, Enfeh Intilak Club and many other clubs from the area, whereby it contributes to their improvement and qualification among the first league teams. On another hand, CN continuously supports several NGOs committed to providing healthcare to special cases in need for care, treatment, attention and follow-up in the community.
- Cimenterie Nationale Summer Club (CNSC) 10th Year Anniversary
Ten years ago, Cimenterie Nationale initiated the Summer Club for the kids in Chekka and Enfeh between 5 and 10 years old. It was launched under the slogan: " معا: متعة، علم، إفادة" The Summer Club aims at empowering and enhancing the kids’ communication skills, growing and enforcing their personalities, building their leadership attributes and most of all orienting them to fill their time with sports and other educational activities. These kids have grown to become qualified professional animators taking care of the younger generations.

- Speed Ball
Cimenterie Nationale supports various sports teams, including Chekka Speed Ball, the club which started years ago as a small volleyball team, and grew to become the champion in the Lebanese Volleyball Championship in 2017. For years, Cimenterie Nationale has been supporting this team by covering most its expenses, from providing funding for uniforms to covering training costs, foreigner players, insurance, etc. CN recently became one of the main sponsors of this great team.

- Sabeh Sports Academy
CN established the Sabeh Sports Academy in 2011 in partnership with Chekka’s Sports Club. Aside from providing the residents of Chekka with entertainment, the Sports Academy instills in children the love of sports, especially football, and allows them to maintain physical activity. Professional coaches train more than 130 participating players over two months every summer, where they are able to test their skills in tournaments against other teams in North Lebanon. Aside from the Academy, CN has been supporting the Club for years ensuring its continuity and sustainability. The club used to play among the first league champions teams.

- Balamand University Open Doors
On the 12th of May 2015, The Office of the Students’ Affairs at the Balamand University organized an Open Doors Event at the university's green field. Different sets of entertainment activities and sports were held during that day such as climbing, rappelling, bow and arrow, paint ball, soap soccer and tiro shooting competitions. Different clubs also performed on-stage shows such as zumba, break dance and bike show. CN supported this event and participated in it along with many of its employees and their families.

- Red Cross
For years, CN has supported the Lebanese Red Cross to secure an additional Emergency Medical Services (EMS) unit, which serves the Beirut district. The Red Cross is also supported by CN for their continuous services in the North as well as in other regions.
- Chekka and Afsdik Charitable Dispensaries
Cimenterie Nationale has been contributing for years to the development of Chekka and Afsdik’s charitable dispensaries. These dispensaries provide medical services, examinations, medicines, laboratory tests, X-rays and dentistry services for the citizens of Chekka and its surrounding villages.
- Oum EL Nour
Oum el Nour NGO aims to gradually decrease drug addiction rates in Lebanon and increase awareness of the various factors leading to such addiction. Thus, it continuously endeavors to implement tested programs and set up new ones to welcome, guide, rehabilitate, accompany, and follow drug addicts. In addition to rehabilitation, Oum El Nour is highly active on the prevention and integration fronts; such is possible thanks to its highly skilled staff who is able to comprehend and apply the latest scientific tools and methods, as well as adapt them specifically to Lebanese society.
- Al Younbouh
Founded in 1993, Al Younbouh NGO is a non-residential center for the education, reeducation and rehabilitation of individuals with intellectual and neuro-developmental disabilities. Having started with only 8 teenagers, Al Younbouh hosts today over 60 students ranged in age from 14 to 55 years, and began caring for children starting at 7 years of age with light and mild mental disabilities as of September 2017.
- Anta Akhi
Founded in 1992 by Yvonne Chami, Anta Akhi supports adults with physical, mental and multiple disabilities that grew up at SeSoBEL - sister association.
- Message de Paix
Founded in 1997 by the missionary brothers, Message de Paix NGO works under the patronage of Bishop Guy Paul Njeim. Its mission is to welcome and accompany adults with mental disabilities through professional training and daily activities in a specialized center.
- Les Petits Soleils
Les Petits Soleils NGO aims to take charge of the medical care of disadvantaged children living in Lebanon who do not benefit from medical or social insurance. Most often the association acts in urgent cases, but can also ensure the medical care of a child for several years. The association covers the costs of hospitalization, examinations and consultations. It also provides drugs, prostheses and vaccines.